Nina lives in the Malcoci village raising 2 children alone as her husband died may years ago.
Nina lives in the Malcoci village raising 2 children alone as her husband died may years ago. Her son recently returned from the Army and got a job doing deliveries in the village. Nina's younger daughter is still a student. In November 2018 their home was destroyed by fire. They moved in with Nina's elderly mother who is very ill who recently underwent surgery.
When we arrived with coal, they told us that they were completely out of anything they could burn to keep warm this winter. They even used all the dried sunflower stalks. We brought them bags of coal, blankets, food goods, and even adult diapers for the bed-ridden grandmother. They were all very grateful, but the grandmother especially was crying and thanking God for not forgetting them and their desperate needs.
Little Samaritan Mission is an independent and non-profit organization committed to assisting impoverished and underprivileged children and individuals in developing countries in the areas of education, medical relief, sustainable development projects and general humanitarian aid.
Little Samaritan Mission
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